記憶這種東西, 很有趣
但是這些時刻包裝著畫面, 聲音, 氣味, 甚至是觸覺
任何一項, 都會觸發腦海中的記憶
廣告拍得很可愛, 色彩繽紛, 還有一隻小青蛙
配樂出來的那一剎那, 我就愛上它了.
拍片真的不是一件簡單的事啊 (經驗談)
3組攝影機, 23個攝影人員, 只為了捕捉球滾下來的那一瞬間
在下坡的那一組還得全副武裝, 盾牌+安全帽... :D
球滾下來的那瞬間.....被打到一定很痛吧 Orn
雖然喜歡, 但是卻沒找到這首歌 (顯然當年不太會用網路)
多年之後, 再一次在電視上聽到, 這種歌還是配樂(怎麼永遠都是配角的命)
Heartbeats -- Jose Gonzalez
One night to be confused
One night to speed up truth
We had a promise made
Four hands and then away
Both under influence
We had divine scent
To know what to say
Mind is a razor blade
To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
For me, no
One night of magic rush
The start a simple touch
One night to push and scream
And then relief
Ten days of perfect tunes
The colors red and blue
We had a promise made
We were in love
To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
For me, no
To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
And you, you knew the hands of the devil
And you, kept us awake with wolf teeth
Sharing different heartbeats
In one night
To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
For me, no
To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
For me, no
Jose Gonzales 這個歌手, 在網路上其實有蠻多人介紹的
他改編了The Knife 的 Heartbeat, 變成現在的吉他版本
風格完全不同的原唱 The knife